Process Of Briquetting Charcoal

Preserving all forms of energy is one of the biggest motives on a global basis. Industrialists and conservationists are constantly trying to find a sustainable solution to save the earth and also to reduce threat to mankind. The ignorance on available recycling technology and its popularity is a threat to mankind. Industries are developing in huge numbers across the world and the dependable fuel resources re depleting and it’s alarming.

Charcoal briquetting is used in poor countries as well as certain parts of the world. This method is used as an alternative to cooking fuel. When we run out of certain energies, such alternatives play a vital role. Encountering operational problems and varied quality of raw materials are important issues for less popularity of briquetting technology.

This method basically involves compression of small particles of organic waste with a binder for a specific time which results in pellet or a briquette block. Charcoal briquettes have higher thermal value and low ash content and also this is cheaper comparatively. Bio mass briquettes can be recycled as compost too.

Also briquettes can be an alternative to diesel, kerosene, oil, furnace and firewood. Many ready markets, high profit, good growth potential and many raw materials are easily available and briquetting is an easy choice too.

Applications of briquetting are endless. This can be used in textile dyeing, printing mill, milk industry, solvent extraction units, leather industry and thermal units. This method is extremely eco-friendly and is a good option for saving environment.

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